If you thought that I was feeling overwhelmed just by finding out I was pregnant, that was nearly overshadowed by realizing I knew nothing about what babies needed. Building my registry turned into my obsession.
Car seats?
Endless other items that I didn’t even know existed until I started frantically Googling.
My goal here is to
1) Normalize the panic!
2) Share what has worked for me and how I built my registries (yes…plural )
3) Give you a safe place to sprial and be bougie or selfish or extra or whatever you want to call it!
You are growing a human and you are safe here. I had plenty of people scoff at the things on my list. I heard so many times “I didn’t have that when I had kids” and “You’ll never use that” or “This regular non-baby item works just fine for that” and on and on and on.
But here is the deal: It is my baby, it is my life, and I am the one who will or will not use these items. Thank you very much!
Trying to find a stroller/car seat combo probably stressed me out the most. I wanted to be sure that what I picked for my registry was safe (first and foremost) and would last longer than the infant stage. Those baby products rack up fast, so I refused to put something on my registry that I wouldn’t buy for myself. Here are a few things that helped me decide on the car seat and stroller combination I did:
- I wanted it to be safe and have at least a few thousand five-star reviews on Amazon (or somewhere).
- I wanted the carrier and stroller to be separate so the stroller had a life beyond the carrier stage.
- I wanted a stroller tall enough for me and my boyfriend (I am 5’10”, and he is 6’0″).
Now, that really didn’t narrow down the competition, but it did eliminate a few. I loved the idea of the Doona until I started running through my checklist. First, it truly looks comical to see anyone over 5’0″ pushing them around. They are incredibly short. They are also all-in-one, so the entire product becomes useless once your baby outgrows its infant carrier. As I started thinking more, I realized I live in Colorado. I’m having a baby in August. He will be in a car seat and stroller when it snows. I am NOT putting the wheels of a stroller on the seats of my car when it has been pushed through the nasty snow in a grocery store parking lot! In the year 2024? Gross. Nope.
Eventually, I settled on the Chicco Modular Travel System. I liked the reviews, the height, the safety, and the fact that the stroller converts to a toddler seat, giving a big-ticket item some longevity.
Here is where I went a little “extra.” I knew I wanted a BOB jogging stroller. My boyfriend is a distance runner, and I spend a lot of time at horse shows, farms, and feedlots. I wanted something that could go fast and comfortably cover some terrain. Many of my horse show friends had and loved the BOB, but I also knew I didn’t want that as my daily stroller to get in and out of the car. I stressed about how that would work with the carrier until a friend shared the simple, nearly universal adapter for car seats. So easy. Now, I had one of the biggest items I was stressed about checked off of my list!
I continued to stress and overthink each item as I added them to my registry and prepared to be judged at my baby shower, but we ultimately ended up with everything we needed. Here is a link to a few of my favorites, but I also listed some highlights out below:
Kim’s Baby Must Haves Under $50
- Boppy – it is obvious why this is a bestseller. Great for feeding, tummy time, holding comfortably, etc
- Angelcare Bath Tub – we love how sturdy and safe this one is. Lots of non-slip features!
- aden + anais Swaddle – we only used muslin swaddles in the hospital. These are so easy!
- Munchkin Changing Pad – we use this for every diaper change and love keeping everything together.
- Wet Bag – blowouts and spit-ups are inevitable. This contains the mess and the smell!
- Spatula – laugh all you want, these are handy!
- KeaBabies Carrier – this is the only carrier I ever had luck with. It is a travel essential for me!
- KeaBabies Bibs – our dude is a spitter so this saves outfits! Very soft and get softer each wash.
- Knee Saver – where are my millennial moms with bad knees at!?
- Fan – we had a summer baby and my car doesn’t have the best backseat airflow. This kept him cool!
Kim’s Favorite Baby Items over $50
- Bag – I LOVE this diaper bag. The layout is perfect. I also got matching packing cubes!
- Diaper Genie – another item I love and will die on this hill. So convenient and contains the smell.
- Portable Bassinet – We use this to sleep in when we travel. Easily folds up when not in use.
- Munchkin Swing – the only reason either of us got home workouts in!
- Play Gym – our guy adores this thing. He interacts with it more than any mat we’ve tried
These lists leave out some basics, like books, clothing, toys, diapers, medicine, and wipes. We have had some trial and error and had massive luck with the sample boxes when signing up for registries with Babylist, Amazon, and Target. We also did a diaper raffle at our baby shower! I highly recommend it! We are over 3 months into this adventure, and we have only had to buy one pack of wipes…Our friends loaded us up! We also asked people to bring a book instead of a card, and our kid’s collection now rivals the Library of Congress!
When building your registry, make several! You don’t have to share the link with anyone. I had a cute, aesthetic baby registry at Babylist, but I made a few in other places as well. Here’s why.
Most of them are 15% off!
I kept a list at Target and Amazon and used my discount to buy baby essentials and items I had never considered. I know that can be a lot to keep track of, but it saved money in the long run.
Now, the sample boxes are pretty straightforward.
- Create your registry
- Spend $10 (or something around there) off your registry
- Get a free box of samples and discounts
I created my accounts, bought something small and essential, and then I was able to try different bottles, pacifiers, etc. You have no idea what your baby will like, so I didn’t spend a dime on bottles or pacifiers until I had tried a few and figured him out.
If you are curious about some of my other favorite items, let me know! Remember, this process is very personal, and you need the items that fit your life, your budget, yourself, and your baby!
Happy shopping and registry building!