It sounds (looks?) so weird to see that at the top of the page, but hello and welcome to my website. This all started as a landing pad for some of the things I love to do:

Social Media

Ok, I made the last one up, but I’ve been shocked to learn how much I love being a mom. I know that enjoyment will likely come and go with each developmental stage, but I never knew I could love anything as much as I love him. My love for him reminded me how much I enjoy writing. I’ve always loved reading (and writing a book is on my bucket list), but sharing my thoughts with the world in short form has behooved me in the past. Sharing thoughts about being a woman in my field, sharing how strange it is to turn 30 and still feel like a child, and, now, how it feels to be a mom. (Which really…there aren’t words for it because exhausting, exhilarating, heart-warming, draining, overwhelming, and incredible don’t exactly cover it.) This is how social media ties in as well; I get to share my thoughts on my page, but I manage pages and create graphics for others. It has always been a “side hustle” of mine and I was a “Social Media Manager” before that was even a thing, but now I am working to make that more of my “real job”.

One day.

Fingers Crossed.

So here you are. You found me. Take a look around. I write about being a mom, topics in agriculture, marketing trends, and how AI can help and hurt you. I’ll tackle big topics and little topics and maybe even some stuff you thought you were alone in. Find community here.

A very loud girl who was told “shhh” a lot but now has a keyboard and internet freedom!
(Kim for short)

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